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Sunday, February 2, 2014

Sunday Update: 2/2/14 SUPER BOWL BABY

-Jon Gruden

I'm writing this during the halftime show by the way

Silent Hill: Book of Memories (PSV): Second Appearance, Second Straight Week
I'm surprised that I've stuck with this. It's a dungeon crawler that I actually like, which is almost unheard of for me. I enjoy the boss fights, and puzzle solving, while admittedly somewhat asinine in a few situations, is solid. I definitely recommend this title unless you're a real big fan of Silent Hill games in which case it's probably a huge travesty.

NBA Jam: Tournament Edition (Saturn): Second Appearance, Last 1/19/14
NBA Jam is always fun, even when you lose on a stupid half-court shot by Jamal Mashburn or somebody. I've been playing a special variant of NBA Jam called "Play as the Milwaukee Bucks and try to win a game" and I've been successful. Back when I first bought the Saturn version, I couldn't stand it compared to the Sega Genesis version I had grown up on. My biggest problem was with the scaling, but I'm over that now and I recommend this version.

Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back (PS1): Second Appearance, Second Straight Week
Very little to report other than the fact that I've finally started losing lives. The difficulty curve in Crash 2 is very present, but not absurd or anything like that. I have a good feeling that I can beat this by next week, actually.

Heart of Darkness (PS1): Third Appearance, Third Straight Week
HoD got really hard really quickly. It's back to being an action game, which I don't love, and the screen I'm currently on is really,
really difficult to get past so I'd be surprised if I beat it anytime soon.

Mobile Suit Gundam (Saturn): First Appearance
This is a Japanese import that I've been messing around with last night. It's cool how some imports are pretty accessible to English speakers, and I'm going to cover this game in my series "Saturnday," which I just restarted yesterday with this video:

and with that, I'll leave you. Have a good week, go Vikings I guess but they're not in the Super Bowl

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